The children say that ‘Respect’ is…
- “Being and playing fair”
- “Being kind to others and treating them how you want to be treated”
- “Knowing how to respect yourself”
- “Don’t judge a book by its cover”
- “Accepting and respecting other people’s personal space”
- “Respecting yours and others property and possession with respect”
- “Equality”
- “Diversity” – “We are all different but all the same”
- “Being grateful for yourself and others and for what you have”
- “Being a good sport – showing good sportsmanship and be humble”
- “Saying please and thank you and being polite”
We discussed our school Value - ‘Respect’ in assembly in the same way as we do with all our Values and ‘Skills for Learni ng’. These are the words of the children.