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Droxford Junior School

Our School

Droxford Junior School is located in the village of Droxford, Hampshire and within the beautiful South Downs National Park.  We are one of the only three Ambassador schools for the South Downs National Park and are proud to work closely with the authority.  In February 2024, we proudly retained our outstanding judgement through the Ofsted process. 

Droxford Junior School retains a village ethos but has a modern, contextual curriculum for learning.  All classrooms have large Promethean interactive computer screens for staff and children to assist learning. The rest of our computer technology: chromebooks, laptops and tablets are well maintained and used safely and widely, across all aspects of the curriculum.

We have been busily developing our school grounds to enhance opportunities for learning and play, outdoors. The children have worked with a Local Authority landscape architect, the South Downs National Park Authority and the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust to develop these plans into something tangible.  

The children use the field all year; can build dens; play all the familiar team sports; climb on low ropes; jump around on the natural play equipment.  All these developments go hand in hand with commitments to encourage more wildlife into our grounds by planting trees, shrubs and flowers to attract pollinators.  We wish to take more learning outdoors which is supported by parents and the local community who attend our 'Dig Days' twice a year.

The children also have access to a well-stocked library with a dedicated librarian, an ICT suite and a large, modern hall for PE, music and drama.

The uniqueness of the local environment is reflected in the school's curriculum. Although we ensure all areas of the National Curriculum are covered, our Droxford curriculum is meaningful and relevant to our learners.  Strong community and business links are utilised; our wonderful FODS team dedicate their time to excellent fundraising events and our governors are knowledgeable and experienced in supporting and challenging the school to be better as well as compliant to statutory obligations.

We actively participate in local events including sport competitions, the Droxford village fair, the annual Remembrance Service and the Scarecrow competition!

"The learning is challenging but really enjoyable."

Of course, Droxford Junior School wasn't always like this.  The National School at Droxford was originally built in 1835 at a cost of £150. Pupils paid ‘school pence’ to the National Society for the Education of the Poor.  At this time the school was actually in the village by the church.

The current school building was built in a Victorian style in 1929 and had four classrooms. Toilets with earth closets were built the other side of the playground. Domestic subjects were introduced for girls and woodwork for the boys!

During the Second World War, evacuees from Gosport caught the train to the school and lived in the village and attended the school.  The school log book has more details about these fascinating and difficult days.  In our History curriculum the children learn about life for families during WW2; the Blitz; make do and mend; dig for victory campaign, D-Day and what everyday life for evacuees was like.

The school used to be a Primary School but in the 1980s school places dwindled and the school was faced with closure.  The school and local village community fought to keep the Droxford Junior School open and was eventually successful.

In 2019, a few months before the first Lockdown in March 2020 (due to the COVID-19 pandemic), we held a 90th birthday party and invited ex-school members and staff back for a tour of the school; look at records and artefacts and catch up, reminiscing over a cup of tea.

The building has changed a lot over the years, with growing numbers of children attending the school and facility needs, driving change.  However, the characteristics haven't and you get the sense of this when you visit the school in its beautiful surroundings.