Home Learning

Reading at home
It is really important that you read a lot and enjoy – it’s also a lot of fun!
You are expected to read for at least 15 minutes five times a week. The reading diary gives you guidance and enables you and your parents to log what you have read. Reading diaries will be collected in each Monday by your teacher. Make sure you have written down the books you have read and got your log signed!
Spellings and Times Tables
It is also important to practice, practice and practice again your spellings and times tables number facts. You will be given spellings each week by your teacher. You need to learn these well, ready for your weekly test. Spellings are given out on Friday, ready to be tested on the next Friday.
There are also statutory spelling lists for each year group which can be found by scrolling to the bottom of your year group home learning pages (see links below).
We also send home Times Tables Booklets each week. We believe that times tables are a vital part of mathematics, underpinning many different skills that you will learn in lessons at the school. Using these booklets, your teacher will set you short, weekly tasks to help you rapidly recall your multiplication and division facts fluently. These books will also be checked on a Friday so make sure you’ve been practising!
TT Rockstars
We are also signed up to TT Rockstars – a fantastic online resource for practising your times tables! We often have competitions so get online as much as you can!
Homework Tasks
Each week you will have a homework task on either Maths or English: these tasks will be to complete pages from the homework books provided to you at the start of the year. Each of these should not take you longer than half an hour.
Class Dojo
We are very excited to have joined Class Dojo – a fantastic tool for communication between home and school!
Please click on this link to find out how to sign up!